Pace Hospitals | Best Hospitals in Hyderabad, Telangana, India

रोगी गाइड

Patient Guide

Book an appointment
We are happy to welcome visitors at designated hours and spend time with the patients. Our role is to create an atmosphere of holistic health for all our patients, family and friends. At the same time, we are committed to ensuring the patient receives adequate rest, protected from outside infections and that the sterile hospital environment is never contaminated by external visitors. To ensure the comfort and wellbeing of the patients, the hospital has designed certain guidelines for the visitors.


  • Kindly decide your choice of room and inform the Admission & Billing Department.
  • In case you have been advised surgery, kindly get the date of surgery confirmed by the consultant. Prior allotment of Operation Theatre is required.
  • A surgeon / consultant can cancel / postpone a surgery on medical grounds & authorize a refund. Please contact the Admission counter after cancellation.
  • On the Date of Admission, you are requested to meet our admission department to confirm your bed allocation. Reservation does not confirm the bed of your choice. While all efforts will be made to give bed / class of your choice, this may not be always possible as it will depend on vacation / discharges and medical status of previous occupant.


  • The front office staff at the reception will assist you during the admission process. They will generate a Unique Identification Number (UID) for the patient and all the medical records will be maintained and stored by the hospital for all future reference. They will also draw out an estimate and guide you for selecting the relevant category of room.
  • Doctor’s note or prescription for planned cases.
  • In addition, you will be required to make an advance payment. The advance shall be adjusted against the final bill at the time of discharge. Those seeking the cashless route would have to visit the insurance desk / TPA desk for the hospitalization of the patient. The staff will escort the patient to the allotted room/bed and make you feel comfortable.
  • We constantly strive to provide you a bed / room as per your needs as quickly as possible. However, sometimes you may face some delay in obtaining an allotment for which we regret any inconvenience caused to you.
  • At the time of admission if you have not been allocated the bed of your billing choice (higher or lower), kindly give your request in writing to the billing department.
  • Special facilities are provided for ICU’s, Single, Sharing, Cubicle, Special class & credit patients. On arrival, please contact the Front office.

Kindly bring the following:  

The list of documents that must be carried for admission
  • Request for Admission Form duly filled in and signed by the Pace doctor
  • Patient’s ID proof and an address proof is mandatory (Voter’s Card/Ration Card/Driving Licence/Passport/Adhaar Card)
  • Record of treatment prior to this hospitalization
  • Doctor’s prescription/discharge summary of previous admission, if any
  • Investigation reports related to relevant treatment
  • Treatment record related to current hospitalization
  • OPD prescription
  • Investigation reports related to relevant treatment
  • For claims above INR 1 Lakh, ID proof and address proof of the policy holder or the main member in the policy, along with a copy of PAN Card/ Adhaar Card and 1 passport size photograph of the patient
  • For Corporate patients, Employee Card and an ID proof
  • Pre-authorization form, along with the above mentioned papers should be submitted at the Admission/ Insurance Desk within 24 hours of admission.
  • The medicines you are currently consuming and all concerned Medical Reports and X-rays.
  • A list of any known allergies and sensitivities.
  • Personal toiletries, slippers / footwear.
  • Keep some cash for miscellaneous purposes in case of emergency. Please safeguard your valuables & mobile. The hospital will not be liable for any loss of money or valuables.


  • The bed charges are calculated from 9:00 am to 9:00 am irrespective of the time of admission.
  • After admission the patient can be transferred on written request to higher/lower class subject to the availability of beds. All charges shall be billed for higher class retrospectively.
  • Every day, a statement for the amount accrued to your account shall be provided. It will be appreciated, if the same is settled within 24 hours. Please note that Admission/Security Deposit is not adjusted against these charges. All deposit receipts are made in the name of the patient. During your stay if you have not received any intimation of amount accrued to your account, kindly contact the Billing department.
  • Our pharmacy provides all the medicines for inpatients. We do not permit medicines & consumables from outside. Charity provision is made available for economically weak patients.
  • Please provide accurate and full information about your medical problems, past medical history / medication taken. Inform the doctor or nurse of any sudden changes in your condition. Follow the treatment plan recommended by the medical practitioner.
  • If your patient has to undergo surgery, kindly get a Billing Clearance Slip from the Billing department after clearing the outstanding and paying surgery deposit.
  • We request one relative to be present in the room or ward during a surgery if any.

  • If patient is required to be transferred to the MICU/SICU, the room/bed that patient was occupying prior to the transfer is to be vacated by the attendants.
  • During the stay of the patient, if an additional deposit requested has not been cleared, the hospital reserves the right to transfer/discharge the patient on Administrative ground.
  • Please wear hospital clothes throughout your stay in the hospital.
  • Help in keeping the number of visitors and the noise levels low. We issue only one pass for an attendant in shared / common wards and two passes for Special, Deluxe & Suite classes.
  • Home food may be permitted on “medical grounds”. Attendant’s meals can be provided in the hospital at extra cost.
  • We don’t allow outside pillows, blankets, etc. as they may be a source of infection
  • Patients can be transferred to any other hospital / government hospital / nursing home in case of non-payment or any other administrative reason, or only if nursing care is required.
  • Discharge of patient would be authorized as per doctor’s advice.
  • Please respect hospital and personal property.
  • Sparing use of Mobile phones will be appreciated.
  • Consumption of alcohol, smoking and chewing of tobacco is prohibited.


  • 10:00 am to 11:00 am – Morning, Everyday.
  • 04:00 pm to 05:00 pm – Evening, Everyday.
  • One additional visitor’s pass per patient is issued by the security on a prescribed form available with nursing staff in each ward.
  • The requisition should be recommended by treating consultant only. Renewal requires fresh recommendation on the form by the treating consultant.
  • Kindly bring the original pass issued during admission for renewal of additional pass.
  • The Visitor’s Pass is “Not Transferable” & if found with any other person then the person whose name is on the pass; the pass will be confiscated & a fine will be imposed.
  • Children below 15 years are not permitted at patient areas / bed side.


Post your treatment or surgical procedure, you will be in recovery for a few days as advised by your doctor. When he is satisfied by your progress, your doctor will advise you for discharge. The discharge process will be carried out in the following steps:

  • Upon the doctor’s direction, the Duty Medical Officer will prepare your discharge summary, which is reviewed and signed by the concerned doctor.
  • After medication reconciliation, the nurse returns any extra medication to the Pharmacy.
  • All your documents like radiology reports, lab reports and ECG reports are accumulated by the Floor Executive, and the final bill is generated.
  • In case you are covered by insurance, the bill and a copy of your discharge summary will be sent to the insurance company. If the bill amount is equal to the approved insurance amount, the bill is settled. Else, you will be required to pay the difference in amount to settle the bill.
  • Your attendant will receive a Receipt of Bill Paid along with two copies of gate pass. One copy of the gate pass is to be handed over at the Nurse Station, where you will receive your discharge summary along with crucial information about your medication and post-discharge care.
  • At the exit gate, you will be required to hand over the second copy of the gate pass to the security personnel.
  • Follow up date is mentioned on the discharge summary. The first follow-up check is complementary, we encourage you to regularly visit your doctor as required to ensure your recovery is on the right track.
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