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Varicose Veins Treatment in Hyderabad | Surgery and Cost

At PACE Hospitals, team of varicose veins specialist - Interventional radiologists and surgeons are experienced in handling even the most complicated cases of varicose veins, and expertise in performing varicose veins surgery with using advanced interventional techniques involving laser treatment for varicose veins with minimal time and high success rate. The treatment options available are:.

  • Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy (EVLT)
  • Radiofrequency Ablation Therapy (RFA)
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Superglue

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- Why choose us -

200+ Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins

Team of the best varicose veins doctor with 20+ years of expertise

Cost-effective treatment with 99.9% success rate

All insurance accepted with No-cost EMI option

Varicose Veins Before and After Treatment

varicose veins diagnosis in hyderabad | doppler ultrasound | duplex ultrasonography

Diagnosis of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are generally diagnosed based on their appearance. The diagnostic process includes a physical examination. During physical examination, the experts will examine the veins and the surrounding areas and check for the symptoms like swelling, heat, or redness to diagnose varicose veins and related complications.

The health care experts may check the pulse near the varicose veins to identify if there is a blood flow problem, along with a few questions regarding the symptoms and risk factors.

The healthcare experts may request some diagnostic tests to determine the diagnosis. You may need to undergo a type of ultrasound scan called a Doppler ultrasound test / Duplex ultrasonography. It helps to assess both the structure and function of vein walls and valves, which is good to know when proceeding with the treatment.

You may also be asked for the complete blood count (CBC), a test done on a sample of blood taken from a vein. It is helpful to diagnose the complication of infection due to varicose veins.

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Advanced Varicose Veins Treatment Centre with State-of-the-art Laser Technology

PACE Hospitals is one of the Advanced and Experienced Varicose Veins Treatment Hospital in Hyderabad backed up with interventional radiologists, surgeons, nursing, and paramedical staff. Interventional radiology department at Pace Hospitals equipped with state-of-the-art facility and latest laser ablation technology offering comprehensive treatment for spider veins, varicose veins, varicose eczema, and varicose vein ulcer.

Varicose Veins Treatment

There are two ways patients with varicose veins problem can be treated, and the treatment options are based on the medical condition, diagnosis and the severity of the disease. Treatment options include:

  • Definitive Treatment
  • Conservative Treatment

Definitive Treatment

Depending on the diagnosis and severity, there are different definitive treatment options available which can be suggested for the treatment of varicose veins.

Traditional surgeries, such as vein ligation and stripping have been outdated and replaced by minimally invasive techniques that use heat or chemicals to close the affected veins. The various minimally invasive techniques available are Endovenous Laser Ablation, Radiofrequency ablation, Microwave ablation, Sclerotherapy, Superglue, MOCA, Varithena, Steam, The V-Block occlusion, and LAFOS.

These are some of the commonly used minimally invasive techniques for varicose veins treatment:

endovenous laser ablation in hyderabad |  varicose vein surgery - laser ablation varicose veins

Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy (EVLT)

EVLT in a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a catheter into one of the longer varicose veins, using ultrasound to guide the position. The laser energy causes the vein to heat up, sealing it off.

radiofrequency ablation in hyderabad | radiofrequency ablation for varicose veins

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

RFA methods involve inserting a probe (thin tube) into the varicose veins, using ultrasound to guide the position. The radiofrequency energy heats the walls of the vein, sealing it off.

sclerotherapy in hyderabad | varicose vein surgery - sclerotherapy for varicose veins


It is mainly used to treat small varicose veins and spider veins below the knee that have not been treated with ablation. After the treatment, compression stockings are needed, and the veins become stiff and swollen before they shrink down.

During sclerotherapy procedure, a chemical solution is injected into the vein. This chemical solution damages the inner lining of affected veins leading to scarring and closure that force blood to reroute through healthier veins. 

This treatment was widely used to treat varicose veins, but later on, it became clear that it often causes skin blemishes and sores if used for larger veins.

super glue treatment for varicose veins treatment in hyderabad | varicose vein surgery


In medical superglue technique, a cyanoacrylate adhesive glue is injected into the affected vein. This glue causes the inner lining of affected veins to stick to each other, resulting in their closure.

This is a quicker procedure and a painless procedure, and it does not require prolonged usage of compression stockings post procedure.

mechanico chemical ablation (MOCA) for varicose veins treatment in hyderabad in hyderabad | varicose vein surgery

MechanicO Chemical Ablation (MOCA)

MOCA is one of the latest technique used to treat the varicose veins. This techniques is non-thermal, non-tumescent technique which involves the insertion of catheter in the varicose veins, which contains a thin wire at the end, which causes spasm of veins as well as bruising of the inner lining of the veins, and meanwhile chemical (sclerosant) is also inserted into the veins and catheter is pulled out.

This process effectively destroys the lining of veins causing easy sealing of the veins. Also this procedure is painless and takes nearly 20-30 min to complete.

V-block stent |  V-block occlusion for varicose veins treatment in hyderabad | varicose vein surgery

The V-Block

The V-block occlusion stent is one of minimally invasive device generally used to treat the saphenous varicose vein, which uses stent for occlusion (process to block the blood vessel).

This procedure doesn't require tumescence anaesthesia.

Laser assisted foam sclerotherapy (LAFOS) varicose veins treatment in hyderabad | varicose vein surgery

Laser assisted foam sclerotherapy (LAFOS)

LAFOS is one of the minimally invasive techniques to treat the varicose veins especially the saphenous varicose vein using sclerosing foam, this procedure involves the use of laser to shrink the affected veins before the use of sclerosing foam injection, this pre-treatment reduces the diameter of the veins, thus reducing the quantity of foam and complications in the occlusion process.

This technique doesn't require the use of anaesthesia.

Conservative treatment

The guidelines do not recommend conservative treatment for patients with varicose veins. Only those patients who are not fit for definitive treatment are managed with conservative methods. This includes:

  • Compression stockings
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Medicines

These can only partially relieve the symptoms and needs to be practised lifelong.

Compression stockings

Compression stockings are one treatment option for varicose vein patients who are unable to undergo surgery or other minimally invasive procedures due to other medical conditions. Basically, compression stockings are recommended to improve the blood circulation and improve the associated symptoms like pain and swelling.

Compression stockings are intended to apply consistent pressure to the leg, allowing blood to return to the heart. Stockings have the greatest impact near the ankles and feet, where the extra exertion supports effective blood flow. Compression stockings' effectiveness depends on the severity of the varicose veins in the patient and using the right kind of stocking that could provide the right amount of pressure.

Wearing the wrong stocking could have negative effect. The doctor would prescribe a knee- or thigh-high stocking based on the underlying symptoms.

  • Knee-high stockings: It is useful while exercising, it helps blood circulations in the lower legs.
  • Thigh-high compression stockings: It is useful in preventing the blood clot after surgery, particularly after knee replacement surgery.

Compression stockings may not be fully effective in the treatment of varicose veins, but could be helpful in controlling the prevailing symptoms by exerting the right amount of pressure, allowing the effective blood flow towards the heart.

Lifestyle changes

Some of the lifestyle habits can be helpful in controlling the symptoms of varicose veins. Adopting a few habits on daily basis could help in proper blood flow in the legs.

Some of the daily life habits that could prove to be relaxing in case of varicose veins are:

  • Do not stand for long periods.
  • Take care of BMI (body weight) to lessen the pressure on the leg veins.
  • Indulging in regular exercise to strengthen the veins, circulation and leg strength. 
  • Avoid cross legging while sitting, and make a habit of raising your legs when resting. 


Medications can be used as an adjunct to definitive treatment measures to relieve symptoms related to varicose veins like swelling, pain, and skin changes. They cannot be completely effective without adjuvant definitive treatment.

Some of the drugs and medications used by the doctors to treat the symptoms of smallest varicose veins or reticular veins are:

  • Analgesics (Painkillers): Doctors can recommend pain reliever over-the-counter medicines to comfort and manage the pain caused by the varicose veins.
  • Phlebotonics (Drugs containing plant extract): Based on research it has been noticed that some of the dietary supplements like horse chestnut extract and Flavonoids has proved positive result in controlling the varicose veins symptoms, hence Phlebotonics are also recommended by the doctors to control the discomfort caused by varicose veins. 
  • Sclerosing Agents: It is basically used in the case of smaller varicose veins or reticular veins, this is used for the patients who are not fit for surgeries due to some medical conditions, so in this case physicians treats the damaged veins by injecting sclerosant, which partially destroys the inner lining of the vein, in return scar tissues formed seals the damaged veins.
  • What causes varicose veins?

    Blood from legs is pushed towards heart slowly by calf muscle activity. Blood is prevented from sliding back by cup-shaped membranes inside veins called valves. Sometimes, these valves can stop functioning properly due to increasing pressure in veins leading to pooling of blood and bulging of veins that can lead to varicose veins.

  • Is laser treatment for varicose veins safe?

    Yes, laser treatment for varicose veins is a completely safe and painless procedure. Laser treatment has shown proven results with a 99% success rate in treating patients with large and small varicose veins.

    Request an appointment for varicose veins laser treatment 

  • What is the latest treatment for varicose veins?

    Laser assisted foam sclerotherapy is one of the latest treatment for varicose veins with 99.99% success rate for patients with large varicose veins.

  • What are the causes of recurrence of varicose veins?

    Some patients may develop varicose veins again after the treatment. These are some of the common causes of recurrence of varicose veins:

    • Obesity
    • Prolonged standing or sitting
    • Development of new varicose veins
    • Deep venous disease

Frequently asked questions:

What are varicose veins and spider veins?

Varicose veins are visible, swollen, twisted veins that most commonly affect the veins of the legs because standing or walking increases pressure on the veins of the lower body.

“Spider” veins or “thread” veins are not the same as varicose veins. They are smaller, located more close to the surface of skin and red or blue in colour. These are commonly seen over legs and face.

How common are varicose and spider veins?

Unlike western countries, varicose veins are more common among males in India. They are seen in 10 to 30 % of adult population.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

In addition to cosmetic embarrassment, the most common symptoms of varicose veins are:

  • Bulging of affected veins
  • Throbbing or cramping in legs during rest
  • Pain in the affected area after sitting or standing for long periods
  • Heaviness in legs, Leg swelling, muscle fatigue
  • Dry, cracking, itchy skin around affected veins
  • Discolouration of the skin around the ankle
  • Varicose Eczema
  • Lipodermatosclerosis

Who is most likely to get varicose veins?

Varicose veins can affects the people with these risk factors like prolonged standing or sitting, obesity, older age, family history of varicose veins, pregnancy, smoking, prolonged usage of birth control pills or hormonal replacement.

What are the complications of varicose veins?

Complications of varicose veins constitutes Inflammation/swelling of veins (phlebitis), leg ulcers (open skin sore or wound), blood clots (Thrombus), and pulmonary embolism (blood clot migrating from leg veins to lung vessels).

What are the advantages of minimally invasive techniques over surgery?

Significantly lower rate of recurrence (3-5%) compared to surgery (40 – 50%). Fewer side effects and complications, less post-operative pain and early return to work.

How is Ablation done?

Under ultrasound guidance, a thin tube (catheter) is introduced into the affected vein. Heat is generated using this tube, which closes the affected vein. When the affected vein is closed, blood flow will improve through the normal veins.

How is Sclerotherapy done?

Under ultrasound guidance a thin needle is inserted into the affected vein followed by injection of a foam sclerosant (chemical which close the affected vein) followed by compression.

How are Spider Veins or Thread Veins treated?

This is done using microsclerotherapy. A very thin needle is inserted into the affected spider vein followed by injection of liquid sclerosant.

What are the advantages of Superglue treatment for varicose veins?

In this technique a cyanoacrylate adhesive glue is used to close the affected large veins. This is quicker procedure. No need of prolonged compression stockings usage post procedure.

What are the post procedure instructions?

  • Compression stockings for 2 months.
  • Avoiding strenuous exercises for a month.
  • Oral tablets for 5 days. 

How long to stay after Varicose veins treatment?

The procedure takes around 1 hour. Usually you will be discharged on the same day.

Is varicose vein surgery painful?

It can be done as a completely painless procedure if done under general or spinal anaesthesia.

What is the success rate of the procedure?

As per the research data, 96 to 98% success rate for ablation and sclerotherapy for varicose veins treatment.

Are varicose vein treatments covered by insurance?

Yes, in India varicose vein treatments are covered by insurance, TPAs, CGHS etc. Person need to cross-check with their respective health insurance companies and corporates about the eligibility to get the benefits.

How to prevent varicose veins?

Obesity can cause varicose veins along with a milieu of other conditions. Maintaining a healthy weight helps in preventing varicose veins and also their recurrence. Exercising (like walking or cycling) regularly for 30 minutes a day and up to 5 days a week. Other lifestyle changes like elevating legs while sitting; avoiding cross legging; avoiding tight clothing, and high heels. These are the changes which will help to improve blood flow from the legs towards heart. Restricting salt to less than 5 grams a day has other benefits along with prevention of varicose veins. Applying moisturizer to legs daily improves the health of the skin.

How much does varicose vein treatment cost in Hyderabad?

Varicose Vein treatment cost in Hyderabad ranges vary from Rs. 28,000 to Rs. 90,000 (twenty-eight thousands to ninety thousand), variation mainly due to surgery, laser ablation or other therapies. However, cost of varicose vein treatment in Hyderabad vary depending upon the multiple factors such as diagnostics, in-patient admission, insurance approval for cashless facility, corporate policy, CGHS, EHS, ESI etc.

How much does varicose vein treatment cost in India?

Varicose Vein treatment cost in India ranges vary from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1,10,000 (twenty-five thousands to one lakh ten thousands), variation mainly due to type of treatment such as laser ablation surgery or other therapies.. However, cost of varicose vein treatment in India vary depending upon the multiple factors such as cashless insurance approval, corporate, EHS, CGHS, ESI etc.

Varicose veins surgery cost / price

Following are the Average cost of varicose veins surgery in Hyderabad:

  • Endovenous laser treatment surgery - Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1,25,000
  • Sclerotherapy - Rs. 28,000 to Rs. 56,000
  • Unilateral varicose vein surgery - Rs. 48,000 to Rs. 86,000
  • Bilateral varicose vein surgery - Rs. 68,000 to Rs. 1,10,000
  • Laser assisted foam sclerotherapy (LAFOS) - Rs. 85,000 to Rs. 1,25,000

Following are the Average cost of varicose veins surgery in India:

  • Endovenous laser treatment surgery - Rs. 96,000 to Rs. 1,48,000
  • Sclerotherapy - Rs. 32,000 to Rs. 70,000
  • Unilateral varicose vein surgery - Rs. 58,000 to Rs. 94,000
  • Bilateral varicose vein surgery - Rs. 82,000 to Rs. 1,38,000
  • Laser assisted foam sclerotherapy (LAFOS) - Rs. 96,000 to Rs. 1,44,000

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