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Kidney Transplantation: Types, Procedure & Complications - Dr. A Kishore Kumar

Pace Hospitals
Rules and Regulations for Kidney Transplant in India
By Pace Hospitals December 19, 2022
Kidney transplantation in India is done under the rules and regulations laid by the Govt. of India. These rules and regulations are mainly to avoid illegal selling of organs for monetary benefit and to regulate the removal, storage and transplantation of organs for treatment purpose. Based on the source of donor organ, kidney transplant is classified as living donor transplantation or cadaveric (deceased-donor) transplantation.

 Case study of ABO incompatible kidney transplant of Madagascar patient at PACE Hospitals
By Pace Hospitals December 5, 2024
Explore the case study of a successful ABO incompatible kidney transplant for a foreign resident(Madagascar) at PACE Hospitals, overcoming challenges with precise care, expert surgical techniques, and improving the quality of life.
Kidney stones symptoms and causes | Kidney stones treatment in India | What causes Kidney stones
By Pace Hospitals August 9, 2024
Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys. Discover their symptoms, types, causes, prevention strategies, and treatment methods to manage and prevent them effectively.
Case study of Successful Living donor kidney transplant for CKD Patient at PACE Hospitals, Hyderabad
By Pace Hospitals May 29, 2024
Case study: PACE Hospitals in Hyderabad successfully performed a Living Donor Kidney Transplant (LDKT) for a Bangladeshi patient with chronic kidney disease from suspected glomerulonephritis.
Successful kidney transplantation at PACE Hospitals | Kidney transplant in Hyderabad
By Pace Hospitals May 20, 2024
Case study of a patient with chronic kidney disease (CKD) from suspected chronic glomerulonephritis was saved by a successful Living Donor Kidney Transplantation (LDKT) performed at PACE Hospitals, Hyderabad, India.
Unveiling the Hidden Danger of Drug-Induced Kidney Damage Podcast
By Pace Hospitals December 21, 2023
Join our PACE Hospitals Podcast episode with Dr. Kishore Kumar to tackle a hidden threat lurking in the very medications we rely on: drug-induced kidney damage. Now, let's empower ourselves with strategies to protect our kidneys from drug-induced damage.
కిడ్నీ స్టోన్స్ (మూత్రపిండాల్లో రాళ్లు): కారణాలు, లక్షణాలు, రోగ నిర్ధారణ మరియు చికిత్స
By Pace Hospitals December 15, 2021
Kidney stones symptoms in telugu కిడ్నీ రాళ్లకు అనేక కారణాలు ఉన్నాయి మరియు మీ మూత్ర నాళంలో ఏదైనా భాగాన్ని ప్రభావితం చేయవచ్చు; మీ మూత్రపిండాల నుండి మీ మూత్రాశయం వరకు. కిడ్నీ స్టోన్ మీ కిడ్నీ లోపల కదిలే వరకు లేదా మీ మూత్రనాళంలోకి వెళ్లే వరకు లక్షణాలను కలిగించకపోవచ్చు - కిడ్నీ మరియు మూత్రాశయాన్ని కలిపే ట్యూబ్. మూత్రపిండ రాయి వల్ల కలిగే నొప్పి మారవచ్చు - ఉదాహరణకు, వేరే ప్రదేశానికి మారడం లేదా తీవ్రత పెరగడం - రాయి మీ మూత్ర నాళంలో కదులుతున్నప్పుడు.
Kidney Stones Diet and Nutrition Guidelines | Foods to Avoid
By Pace Hospitals October 8, 2021
Kidney stones can be managed by diet and nutrition plan. Dietary changes if followed can prevent further recurrence of kidney stones. Diet plan can be effective in managing and preventing kidney stones. Avoid extra calcium supplements, alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, high salt, sugar and sodium intake. Limit animal protein and high oxalate foods to prevent kidney stones.
What are Kidney Stones and What are the options for kidney stones treatment?
By Pace Hospitals March 17, 2020
Kidney stones treatment using Laser is better procedure when compared to other kidney stone removal treatment options. Kidney stone laser treatment was also found to be effective for removing both large and small kidney stones with over 95.8% success rate in most patients. Kidney stones, a very common disorder of the urinary tract, are small crystals that form in the kidneys. More than 90 percent of people with kidney stones have a chemical abnormality of blood or urine that contributes to the tendency to form the stones.
Kidney Biopsy : Indications, Preparation and Procedure
By Pace Hospitals February 22, 2020
Kidney biopsy is recommended in people with kidney disease. Based on the results of urine and blood tests nephrologist will advice the kidney biopsy. Kidney biopsy is avoided when the risk to patient is more than the benefit of procuring the kidney tissue.
15 Steps to Maintain Your Kidneys Healthy
By Pace Hospitals October 1, 2019
How to Preserve your kidneys? Kidney disease can lead to high blood pressure (high blood pressure can cause CKD and CKD can also cause high blood pressure), low hemoglobin levels (anemia), bone weakness, heart ailments, vitamin D deficiency, weight loss, abnormal calcium and phosphate levels, increased infection risk.
Keep your Kidney healthy, follow these steps.
By Pace Hospitals January 6, 2018
Kidney diseases are silent killers, which will largely affect your quality of life. There are however several easy ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease. Eat healthy and keep your weight in check, Maintain a healthy fluid intake, Keep regular control of your blood sugar level, Keep fit and active, Monitor your blood pressure, Do not smoke.
Is low salt diet good or bad for your Kidneys?
By Pace Hospitals September 20, 2017
Our Kidneys have a key role to regulate our Blood Pressure (BP) by regulation the salt (sodium) content in our body and by production of hormones within the kidney called Renin and Aldosterone. It is estimated that an average Indian diet can contain about 8 to 11 grams of salt per day. By restricting the daily salt intake to 6 grams per day will protect your kidneys and at the same time provide the required salts your body need to keep you well.
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PACE Hospitals Podcast with Dr K Meena on lymphoma Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
By Pace Hospitals March 13, 2025
Tune in to the PACE Hospitals Podcast with Dr K Meena to explore lymphoma, its symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and advanced treatment options, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.
Case study of a 34-Y/O woman suffering from gallstone pain successfully treated at PACE Hospitals
By Pace Hospitals March 13, 2025
Explore the case study of a 34-year-old woman suffering from gallstone pain who underwent a successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy at PACE Hospitals, Hyderabad, ensuring a quick recovery and restoring her health and quality of life.
cardiac arrest symptoms | reasons for cardiac arrest | cardiac arrest treatment in India
By Pace Hospitals March 13, 2025
Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops pumping blood to vital organs, leading to unconsciousness within seconds. Learn about its symptoms, causes, types, risk factors, diagnosis, complications, treatment, and prevention.
Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis symptoms  | necrotizing pancreatitis treatment in India
By Pace Hospitals March 13, 2025
Necrotizing pancreatitis is a severe form of pancreatitis that leads to pancreatic tissue death. Learn about its symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Case Study: Total Knee Replacement Surgery for a 51-Year-Old Patient at PACE Hospitals
By Pace Hospitals March 12, 2025
Explore the case study of a 51-year-old patient who underwent a successful total knee replacement surgery performed by the Orthopaedics team at PACE Hospitals. This procedure not only alleviated her severe knee pain but also restored her mobility and greatly enhancing her quality of life.
World Kidney Day 13 March 2025 | Theme and Importance
By Pace Hospitals March 10, 2025
World Kidney Day is a global healthcare event celebrated on the 2nd Thursday in March every year since 2006. The epidemic of chronic kidney disease in Indians is seen with a scope of increasing diabetes load, hypertension, and an aging population; it will only worsen.
Case study of a 63-Y/O male who suffered from GERD and hiatal hernia treated at PACE Hospitals
By Pace Hospitals March 8, 2025
Explore the case study of a 63-year-old male who suffered from GERD and hiatal hernia. After undergoing advanced laparoscopic fundoplication at PACE Hospitals, he found lasting relief and improved his quality of life.
Heart attack (aka Myocardial Infarction) Symptoms & Causes | Heart attack treatment in India
By Pace Hospitals March 8, 2025
A heart attack (also known as Myocardial Infarction) occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, causing damage. Learn about its types, symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, treatment, and prevention.
TURP and TRUS Procedure for Enlarged Prostate, LUTS and DM in Hyderabad, India
By Pace Hospitals March 6, 2025
Explore the case study of a 74-year-old male with an enlarged prostate and LUTS who underwent TURP and TRUS at PACE Hospitals, leading to improved urinary function and recovery.
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