PACE Hospitals is recognized as the best hospital for heart attack treatment in Hyderabad, Telangana, India, providing immediate and expert care for patients experiencing myocardial infarction (heart attack). We prioritize precision, patient safety, and post-cardiac rehabilitation to enhance recovery and long-term heart health.
At PACE Hospitals, we provide advanced heart attack treatment in Hyderabad, India. Our team of top cardiologists, backed by advanced Philips Azurion Cath Lab, world-class ICU facilities, and 24/7 emergency cardiac care, ensures rapid diagnosis and life-saving treatments. We specialize in angioplasty, stenting, thrombolysis, and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) to restore blood flow efficiently and improve patient outcomes.
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Heart attack diagnosis tests are made by a team of healthcare professionals such as nurses, emergency physicians, and cardiologists. They may first may start with a physical exam by a cardiologist using a stethoscope to find the abnormal sounds in the lungs (crackles) and assess the patient's condition and stabilize the vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration rate.
Patients who report to the emergency ward or any casualty department with chest pain or discomfort may have an initial assessment with electrocardiogram (ECG) for a possible myocardial infarction (heart attack) to check the patient's heart's electrical activity.
It is a simple, painless test and the basic diagnostic tool for heart attack. It may be carried out within 10 minutes of the person's presentation to the hospital. ECG also records the timing and strength of electrical signals as they pass through each section of the heart and shows the heart rhythm and how fast it is beating. It diagnoses the signs of heart damage that occurred due to coronary heart disease (CAD) as well as signs of a prior or current heart attack and its type.
Initially, a heart attack ECG report shows abnormality or may turn abnormal within a short period. In most of the cases, myocardial infarction ECG changes (findings) might include the following:
If the heart's left side (left ventricle – LV) is damaged, the changes might be seen in the V3 and V4 leads on EKG. If the heart's right ventricle is damaged, the changes may arise in the V1 and V4 leads. Posterior wall damage displays the ST depression, tall R waves, and T wave inversion in V1 to V3 or V4.
This test can aid in identifying the specific areas of heart damage caused by MI. Heart attack refers to the elevation of the ST segment, the most severe form of heart attack, and immediate treatment is needed to unblock the coronary artery.
After stabilizing the patient and initiating initial therapy, other tests for MI may performed to assess the heart function, detect the blockages, monitor the cardiac enzymes, and rule out pneumonia or heart failure, which include:
An imaging test that gives images of a patient's heart using high-frequency sound waves. A probe will be passed on the chest or throat to display the pictures on a video monitor. It is also called diagnostic cardiac ultrasound or echocardiography.
This test helps the cardiac team (a multidisciplinary team consisting of a patient's cardiologist, interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, imaging specialists, cardiac catheter lab, anaesthesiologists, and O.R. staff) to find the following:
The blood test will be performed to inspect for any heart damage, which can be indicated by abnormal levels of proteins in the blood, such as creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase-MB (CKMB), myoglobin, and cardiac troponin I or cardiac troponin T
Myocardial infarction blood tests include the following:
Myocardial muscle creatine kinase (CK-MB): They are mainly found in the heart. These proteins may present at normal levels in the heart cells. However, suppose any damage or injury occurs to heart cells. In that case, they will be released into the blood, which indicates the heart damage. For instance, CK-MB levels increase within 3-12 hours of the onset of chest pain, may reach peak values within 24 hours, and come back to baseline after 48-72 hours. However, these proteins are also present in other muscles. Thus, increased levels not always indicate only heart damage but also issues with other muscles in the body.
Troponin test: A newer blood test is designed to identify or diagnose the cardiac troponin, which is more specific and sensitive to heart damage. Cardiac troponins are the proteins found only in the heart.
Based on the hospital, either troponin I or troponin T will be measured (both work equally well). As per the guidelines, it is recommended to take several measurements of troponin for 8 to 12 hours after patient admission, due to the lag of troponin appearance in the blood from the onset of heart damage.
Ischemia-modified albumin (IMA): A new test has been released for those who present to the emergency department with chest discomfort or pain.
It is indicated for the patients suspected of having warning signs suggestive of a heart attack, as identified by their cardiologists. It checks the changes in albumin (protein) due to a deficiency of blood flow to heart tissues (ischemia). It is approved by the FDA to rule out ischemia in patients who have normal ECGs (electrocardiograms) and negative troponin levels.
C-reactive protein (CRP): It is a protein marker for inflammation and atherosclerosis. Patients with increased levels of CRP have a raised risk of heart attack, stroke, vascular disease, and sudden death.
The level of CRP may show a correlation with future risk as follows:
It is also called heart catheterization or cardiac cath and is a medical technique to detect and treat some heart conditions. It may be recommended to rule out the cause of symptoms such as irregular heartbeat or chest pain.
Before performing this, a cardiology team may require the reports of diagnostic tests, including blood tests and heart imaging tests, to check how well the heart works and guide the procedure.
During this procedure, a catheter (long, thin, and flexible tube) may be put into the blood vessel of the patient's arm, groin, neck, or upper thigh. It is then threaded through the blood vessels to the heart to examine the heart valves or to take samples of the heart muscle or blood. Ultrasound may use to see inside the heart, or a contrast dye will be injected into the patient coronary arteries to notice whether the patient's arteries are narrowed or blocked.
A particular type of cardiac catheterization is coronary angiography, which involves using special X-rays to visualize the coronary arteries. It may perform during a heart attack to find the blockages in blood vessels by using the dye and special X-rays to highlight the insides of arteries.
A catheter may be introduced into the blood vessel in the arm, neck, or groin (upper thigh) and then threaded into blocked arteries, where the dye is delivered into the bloodstream. Specific X-rays might be taken while the dye is flowing through the arteries, and the dye allows the cardiologists to study the blood flow through the heart and blood vessels.
A coronary angiogram shows where and how much the patient's coronary arteries are clogged or blocked and how well the patient's heart is pumping.
A chest X-ray shows images of the heart, lungs, and chest bones. However, it doesn’t show the inside structures of the heart. It displays the size, shape, and position (location) of the heart, lungs, and certain blood vessels.
The patient will be positioned next to the X-ray film, and a hospital gown may be given to wear. An X-ray machine is turned on for a fraction of a second. During this time, a tiny beam of X-rays passes into the chest and makes a picture of a particular photographic film. Sometimes, both sides (front and side) views will be taken. 10 min will be taken to develop the X-ray film. Minimal radiation may be used in this test, such as one-fifth of the dose a patient gets yearly from the sun. A small amount of radiation is not dangerous, but the pregnant woman has to avoid it.
After addressing the heart attack patient in the emergency department, some tests might be performed a few days or weeks later to assess the heart working and to evaluate the underlying coronary artery disease or the extent of damage post-heart attack.
These tests require specialized equipment and more time than usual in an emergency.
This test may be helpful to find out how well the patient's heart handles work. During this test, the patient might be asked to exercise (commonly on the treadmill). As the patient's body works harder, it needs more oxygen, so the heart has to pump more blood than usual. It shows if the blood supply is decreased in the coronary arteries and helps the cardiology team choose the kind and level of exercise that is right for the patient.
During the test, heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) will be monitored, and how tired the patient feels will also be observed to diagnose coronary artery disease, predict the risk of heart attack, detect a possible heart-related cause of symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and light-headedness, and check the effectiveness of procedures performed to improve coronary artery blood flow.
Sometimes, it is also called an "exercise thallium scan," an exercise nuclear scan," or a "dual isotope treadmill." A radioactive material called a 'tracer' may be injected into the bloodstream. The patient's heart rhythm (ECG) and blood pressure will be monitored throughout the test. It passes to the patient's heart and releases energy. A special camera will take an image of energy from outside the patient's body.
A cardiac team uses this image to see the amount of blood flowing to the heart muscle and the functioning of the heart (how well the heart pumps blood) when the patient is resting and exercising to find the damage to the heart muscle and to choose the proper treatment.
This test may help to find out the following:
It is a non-invasive test using radiofrequency waves and magnetic fields to create clear, detailed images of the patient's heart and arteries. It is usually recommended if someone has more complex or advanced heart conditions. A cardiac MRI can be used to look at blood vessels, how the blood flows through them, the amount of blood pumping out to the body by the left ventricle, and measure heart function. It also helps to find the tissue damage from a heart attack, heart muscle inflammation, or problems in the aorta.
It usually lasts between 30 and 90 minutes. During the test, the patient has to lie down on a table that slides through the MRI machine, which forms a powerful magnetic field around the patient, and radio waves might be directed at the location of the body to be imaged. A contrast dye agent will be given to the patient to see better images of tissues and blood vessels.
However, it is contraindicated if the patient has cochlear implants, neurostimulators, iron-based metal implants (Intrauterine contraceptives- IUDs), bullet or shrapnel, artificial joint, and older intracranial aneurysm clips.
A differential diagnosis is a list of possible medical conditions or diseases that can share the same symptoms in a person. The heart attack has an extensive differential diagnosis, classified as follows:
Musculoskeletal chest pain
If the patient receives faster heart attack treatment, the better chances are to survive and alleviate the symptoms. It includes the following:
First aid treatment for heart attack
Heart attack treatment in hospital
Common treatment for heart attack
A heart attack is dangerous and life-threatening. Therefore, immediate treatment for heart attack must be needed to improve the survival and recovery of the patient.
It is crucial to give the emergency management of myocardial infarction for the heart attack patient to prevent significant heart damage.
After the patient arrives at the hospital, if there is suspicion of a heart attack, some treatments may be given to the patient right away, even before the diagnosis is confirmed.
Prompt treatments may involve administering oxygen therapy, anti-platelet drugs to reduce clotting, nitrate vasodilator to alleviate chest pain, and possibly thrombolytics or emergency cardiac interventions such as angioplasty or stent placement to stop the clotting and restore blood flow to the heart.
Rapid analysis and interventions minimize heart muscle damage and improve the patient's progress.
Myocardial infarction emergency treatment may include as follows:
Oxygen therapy: It is a treatment that uses oxygen gas for the patient to breathe. The patient may receive oxygen therapy from tubes placed in the nose, a face mask, or a tube positioned in the windpipe (trachea). It will be given when the patient has a condition that causes low blood oxygen levels.
Antiplatelets: These are the preferred drugs for a heart attack patient upon arrival. It avoids further blood clots.
Anticoagulants: Typically, these drugs are not given immediately, as they might need closer monitoring, and their prescription might depend on the specific cause of the heart attack. Blood thinners or anticoagulants prevent blood clots from forming in arteries; an injection of an anticoagulant will be given to the patient for a few days to prevent further blood clotting.
Vasodilators: A nitrate vasodilator may be given to treat and avoid angina, heart failure, heart attack, and hypertension. This vasodilator may widen and relax the blood vessels, which helps to control high blood pressure and alleviate chest pain. In hypertensive acute heart failure, vasodilator therapy is the treatment of choice to decrease the ventricular afterload rapidly.
The first 24-48 hours (one day to 2 days) after a heart attack is when the patient's condition might be most unstable.
During this time, the patient's heart rhythm might be monitored to examine whether there are any issues with how the patient's heart beats. The patient might have been cared in the coronary care unit (CCU- area specializing in treating heart conditions) or a medical admission unit.
Giving treatment for people diagnosed with a heart attack may be complicated. A cardiologist chooses the therapy based on the type of heart attack, how stable the patient's condition is, and the facilities that are available in a hospital.
A heart attack occurs when a deficiency of blood supply to the heart is due to blockage in one or more heart coronary arteries. The blockage might be partial or complete;
ST segment defines the patterns that are visible on an electrocardiogram, which is a display of a person's heartbeat. Although there may be some overlap, treatments may vary for NSTEMI and STEMI heart attacks.
Hospitals use various techniques to restore the blood flow to the part of the myocardium (heart muscle) injured during a heart attack and limit the damage.
Two treatments are preferable to restore the blood flow through the narrowed or blocked coronary artery, such as:
Thrombolysis: It is a treatment used to dissolve any blood clots that block the arteries and is given through a vein in the patient's arm. Side effects of these medicines include sickness, nausea, and bleeding. The patient might receive clot-dissolving drugs (thrombolysis), balloon angioplasty, surgical interventions or surgery, or a combination of treatments.
Patients may be sent to an area called the "cath lab" that specializes in cardiac catheterization, and the cardiac team might decide whether to perform PCI.
It is a diagnostic angiogram, which examines the blood flow to the heart and reveals how well the patient is pumping. Based on the findings of the prior diagnostic procedure, the patient may be routed to one of the following treatments:
The patient might be given an angiogram (imaging technique) to see within the arteries, veins, and heart chambers, which may be followed by surgery to restore the blood circulation in the heart.
If the diagnostic reports determine that the patient had an NSTEMI heart attack, the cardiology team typically uses one of two treatment strategies. Both may include cardiac catheterization to examine the heart.
Emergency (Primary) angioplasty
The common management approaches for myocardial infarction may be classified into two types:
It is also called pharmacological management of myocardial infarction, where this process uses drugs (medicines) to treat the heart attack and to prevent another heart attack.
Myocardial infarction treatment drugs include the following:
Myocardial infarction surgery procedures might include the following:
It is also called bypass surgery, a surgical procedure to improve the blood flow to the heart. It may be required when the coronary arteries become blocked or narrowed.
It may be recommended in an emergency to treat a severe heart attack or to lower the risk of a heart attack if the patient has coronary heart disease. In this method, healthy blood vessels from the body's other parts will be connected to blood vessels above and below the blocked artery.
This method will create a new way for blood to flow that bypasses the blocked or narrowed coronary arteries. Usually, the new blood vessels (grafts) are arteries from the chest or arm or veins from the legs.
The number of grafts required may depend on how severe the coronary heart disease is and how many coronary blood vessels are blocked or narrowed.
It usually lasts up to 3 to 6 hours. In traditional "open heart" CABG, the patient's heart is stopped, and a heart-lung bypass machine can work as the artificial heart (Pumps the blood throughout the body).
It is a minimally invasive treatment to open the clogged or blocked coronary arteries. It is also called coronary angioplasty with stenting or angioplasty.
Types of PCI: The main aim of the PCI is to open up the blocked arteries, but there are various ways that a cardiologist can perform it, which include:
It corrects the problems caused by diseased heart valves. Sometimes, heart attacks may damage the heart valves. Heart valve surgery might be needed in case of significant damage to the heart valves due to a heart attack, which may lead to heart conditions, including stenosis or valve regurgitation.
Heart attacks can sometimes cause damage to the heart muscle or the heart valves. If the heart attack has resulted in significant damage to the heart valves, leading to conditions like severe valve regurgitation or stenosis, heart valve surgery might be necessary. Heart valves work efficiently to aid blood flow in the right direction through the heart. If the person's heart valve becomes diseased or damaged, it may cause symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness, breathing difficulties and palpitations.
This surgery may be performed through open and minimally invasive or vein access to the patient's heart. It includes two types of heart valve surgery:
A surgical procedure uses a laser (special carbon dioxide-CO2) to bore small pinholes or channels through the myocardium and into the heart's left ventricle (lower chamber). These new pinholes or channels improve the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the areas of the heart not being reached by clogged or diseased arteries, reducing chest pain (effects of angina).
Usually, procedures such as coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG surgery), angioplasty, or stenting might be helpful for patients experiencing coronary artery disease. However, these procedures are not safe for patients with advanced heart disease or other health problems. TMR acts as the safest, most effective alternative and is done for prior CABG patients who cannot tolerate another bypass surgery.
It is mainly indicated to treat a blockage or narrowing of the coronary artery when a bypass is not possible.
Before planning heart surgery for a patient with a heart attack, a cardiac surgeon might evaluate multiple factors carefully to ensure the safety and efficacy of the surgery.
Before surgery, the main objectives of preoperative cardiac management are to discover the people with severe heart conditions needing evaluation by a cardiologist, select required tests while avoiding nonessential ones, and rule out the best treatments, whether medication or procedures, to manage any identified heart issues and to keep the patient heart healthy.
Other goals include:
It is performed by making one or more tiny chest incisions, but open-heart surgeries use one large incision down the center of the chest. It offers faster recovery less scarring and pain.
It is indicated for a variety of surgeries, such as:
This procedure includes two main types as follows;
Thoracoscopic surgery: A cardiothoracic surgeon makes one or more small incisions in the side of the patient's chest. Afterward, a long tube with a video camera will be inserted through the incisions to view the heart and to operate it.
Robotically assisted heart surgery: A cardiothoracic surgeon makes one or more tiny incisions in the side of the patient chest. In this surgery, a robotic arm will be used to guide through the incisions. The robot shows clear pictures of the heart, and the surgeon controls the robotic arms to perform this procedure, such as repairing the heart, replacing a heart valve, placing a device, or removing tumors.
The patient might be discharged to the home, depending on the type of treatment, the severity of the heart attack, and the patient's condition. Some follow-up information might be received before the patient leaves the hospital, such as:
Cardiac rehabilitation: It is an essential-supervised program designed to improve heart health to recover and prevent another heart attack. It involves emotional support, exercise training, and nutrition details. It may start before the hospital discharges the patient and should continue in the long term.
Usually, it takes at least three months to help the patient regardless of age, gender, and minor or significant heart issues.
It mainly combines the following:
Specialist/hospital cardiac team: Before leaving the hospital, the patient may receive a follow-up appointment with the hospital team, which will last for a few months. This is an excellent opportunity for a patient to discuss concerns and worries with the healthcare team.
The team might check regarding risk factors that the patient may have (such as blood pressure, obesity, etc.) and may take blood tests to monitor the medicines that the patient is taking.
Walking slowly for 50–100 meters may be recommended in the first few weeks, gradually increasing the distance daily.
Stopping the walking might suggest If the patient experiences chest pain or breathing difficulty, and resting may help in this case.
Do | Don’t |
Walking around house | Running |
Dressing each day | Driving a car |
Walking up and getting down the stairs slowly | Playing a sport |
Taking rest | Lifting, pushing, or dragging heavy objects |
Visiting a few visitors | Standing for long periods |
The first few days and weeks at home:
In the first few weeks, the patient may get tired quickly. This is normal and will usually recover as the patient gets better. About ten days after a heart attack, most people find it easy to start doing small, gentle activities. A cardiologist might gradually increase the amount of exercise depending on the patient's heart condition.
Patients with silent heart attacks have symptoms not generally linked with a heart attack, mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. With a silent heart attack, signs and symptoms can make the patient feel like flu, indigestion, tiredness, ache in the jaw, arms, or upper back, and sore muscles in the chest or upper back.
However, some patients may experience the silent signs. Four silent signs of a heart attack include the following:
No, exercise cannot cause a heart attack. However, it may increase the risk of a heart attack, especially in heart attack patients who are not monitoring their activity correctly. Doing the exercise in moderation and based on individual fitness levels is generally beneficial and safe. It improves the heart muscle and the ability of the heart to pump blood through the lungs and throughout the body. Therefore, it is the best way to avoid heart disease.
However, if one has underlying heart conditions, it is recommended that a doctor be consulted before starting any physical activity.
It is not possible to control everything during sleep, follow some tips to reduce the risk of getting a heart attack, such as:
Yes, it is possible to get another heart attack after one heart attack. Many patients may worry about having another heart attack. Usually, one heart attack may increase the risk of another heart attack. However, one can decrease this risk by taking the proper medications and following a healthy lifestyle.
Many patients go on to live a better life than before their heart attack by following a healthy lifestyle and making healthier choices.
A mini heart attack is a term that can used to represent a less severe form of heart attack called NSTEMI- non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, which may feel different from a severe heart attack (STEMI).
Mini heart attack symptoms might not be as intense or noticeable as severe heart attacks. Most people might mistake these symptoms for muscle ache, indigestion, gastric reflux, heartburn, or other minor problems, and they may feel physical discomfort or fatigue and chalk it up to poor sleep, overwork, or age-related pain or ache.
It is recommended to act quickly if one can experience chest pain, especially if it is persistent, severe, radiating to the neck, shoulder, arm, or jaw, and accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as cold sweating, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
Yes, too much activity can strain the heart and may raise the risk of heart attack. However, average and moderate exercise like walking may help the patient's heart strengthen and improve recovery. It is natural to get scared of getting another heart attack or doing excess physical activity. It is important to remember that a sudden increase in physical activity might strain the heart too much. Hence, it is recommended to gradually increase physical activity levels, starting slowly and progressing at a steady pace.
Most heart attacks cause pain or discomfort in the left side or center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes to hours or disappears and comes back. Sometimes, the location of chest pain may vary, and it may feel like squeezing, fullness, uncomfortable pressure, or discomfort and sometimes radiate to the shoulder, arm, jaw, neck, or upper abdomen and also manifest on the right side.
If one may experience mild to severe and persistent pain or chest discomfort accompanied by other symptoms such as sweating, shortness of breath, or tiredness, seek prompt medical help regardless of the pain location.
No, not everyone needs surgery after a heart attack because the treatment plan or surgical approach after a heart attack might depend on different factors such as type of heart attack, extent of heart damage, severity of heart attack, location of the blockage, and patient health condition.
Some people might recover with medications, lifestyle changes, and cardiac rehabilitation, whereas others might need surgery, including coronary angioplasty or bypass surgery, to restore the blood flow to the heart. A cardio surgeon may determine the choice based on patient condition and facilities.
No, vomiting alone is not a sign of a heart attack because it might happen due to other conditions such as pregnancy in women, food poisoning, gallbladder disease, and infections. Therefore, it is not a definitive sign of a heart attack.
However, sometimes, it may act as a symptom that is linked to heart attack, particularly in women or in some instances. If one experiences vomiting along with heart attack symptoms such as tiredness, shortness of breath, and chest pain, it is advised to seek prompt medical help.
Metro Pillar Number C1772, Beside Avasa Hotel, Hitech City Road, Near HITEC City Metro Station, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Mythri Nagar, Beside South India Shopping Mall, Hafeezpet, Madeenaguda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
040 4848 6868
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