Pace Hospitals | Best Hospitals in Hyderabad, Telangana, India


Enlarged Prostate Treatment in Hyderabad | Surgery and Cost

We Pace Hospitals, have team of the best enlarged prostate specialist doctors, prostate cancer specialists, laser and laparoscopic robotic urologist in Hyderabad. They are expert in performing:

  • TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate)
  • TUIP (transurethral incision of the prostate)
  • Laser Surgeries such as Transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), Transurethral holmium laser ablation of the prostate (HoLAP), , Holmium laser resection of the prostate (HoLRP), Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP)
  • Radical prostatectomy through laparoscopic and robotics
  • Prostatic urethral lift
  • Open Prostate Surgery (Prostatectomy)
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Advanced Enlarged Prostate, Benign Prostate Enlargement Treatment Hospital in India

Advanced Enlarged Prostate, Benign Prostate Enlargement Treatment Hospital in India

Pace Hospitals offer the best treatment for enlarged prostate, benign prostate enlargement. Our latest Holmium laser technology offers the patient faster recovery time and advanced care for quicker recovery.

We are one of the advanced enlarged prostate, benign prostate enlargement treatment hospital in India backed up with team of best enlarged prostate specialist doctors, prostate cancer specialists, laser and laparoscopic urologist, paramedical staff, dietitian and physiotherapist in India.

We are also equipped with “The World’s First Universal Surgical Robotic System”, State-of-the-art facility, world-class laser treatment equipment offering comprehensive treatment for enlarged prostate, benign prostate enlargement and its complications. Our team is having expertise in performing robotic prostate surgery in Hyderabad.

Best enlarged prostate specialist doctor in Hyderabad

Medical and Surgical Treatment for Benign Prostate Enlargement and its complications

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Medical and Surgical Treatment for Benign Prostate Enlargement and its complications

Our Urology department is equipped with world-class infrastructure and advanced technology, offering comprehensive care and treatment for common urological problems like urinary infections, urinary stones, urethral stricture, prostate diseases, and malignancies.

Our team of urologists are experts in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. We offer several advanced minimally invasive surgeries including laser and laparoscopic surgeries related to urethra, kidney and ureter, prostate, and bladder.

Treatment for Enlarged Prostate / Benign Prostate Enlargement

Based on the enlarged prostate symptoms there are different-different treatment options available such as - medical management, minimally-invasive procedures, and surgical management. The choice or selection of the prostate gland enlargement treatment depends upon the severity of the symptoms.

What are the signs and symptoms of enlarged prostate?

Enlarged prostate may not be all time symptomatic, so some people may not have any symptoms, but most commonly enlarged prostate patients will have lower urinary tract symptoms, which can be broadly classified as irritative symptoms and obstructive symptoms.

So amongst irritative symptoms we have urgency of urination, increased frequency of urination and burning urination, whereas amongst obstructive symptoms we have decreased stream of urine, hesitancy and inadequate emptying of the bladder. And even sometimes blood in the urine is also a possibility. These are the common symptoms of Enlarged prostate.

What is the main cause of prostate enlargement?

The main cause of prostate enlargement is the imbalance in the hormonal milieu is mainly the testosterone conversion to dihydrotestosterone and the second thing is the estrogen component. So this change in the hormonal milieu as the men age will lead to the prostate enlargement. Which usually happens after age of 45 to 50 years. And it doesn't mean that all enlargement of the prostate will lead to symptoms, though the size is never a criterion for the symptoms. It's not essential that larger prostate will give rise to more symptoms. Sometimes even the smaller prostate also can lead to lower unit tract symptoms, so never go with the size of the prostate. It's mainly the symptomatic and the asymptomatic prostate enlargement.

How to control prostate enlargement?

As such, there is no way to control prostate enlargement. It is age related change in men. So Prostate enlargement is bound to happen in almost every individual based on the hormonal milieu as the age progresses. But once the prostate gland enlargement occurs, which usually after 45 to 50 years of age, the way to control further enlargement is with some medications. So among them, we have two types of medications. One is alpha blockers which will control or which will relax the alpha receptors which are present in the prostatic gland. They are most effective for men with normal to moderately enlarged prostate gland. Alpha blockers as such does not stop the enlargement of the prostate, but it will relax the prostate so that the symptoms will be much better, or it will be relieved.

Whereas, the growth of the glandular part of the prostate is affected by the hormonal change that can be controlled by the alteration of the hormonal levels. Hormone which is mainly responsible for the prostate gland, is the testosterone so by giving a medication which is neutralizing the testosterone, or the dihydrotestosterone (DHT), we can control the glandular enlargement of the prostate and those medications are 5-Alpha reductase inhibitors, the drugs finasteride and dutasteride can help in reducing the prostate enlargement.

What is the latest treatment for enlarged prostate?

So far, conventional treatments were like open prostectomy or radical retropubic prostatectomy, and all which are almost outdated. The very commonly performed surgery these days for benign enlargement of the prostate is transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). So this has stood the test of time, and we use various energy sources for resection of the prostate transurethrally.

One of the commonest which is widely used is monopolar energy source and the recent improvement over that is the bipolar which avoids many of the postoperative complications like TURP syndrome. Recently we have started using laser as an option for resection of the prostate. Here we inoculate the prostate glands as in open surgeries with the help of the laser and later morcellate the prostate gland out of the bladder and evacuate. So this is a recent trend and apart from that there are other types of treatment modalities which have come in to recent trends like vaporization of the prostate tissue with water jet or some even transurethral microwave therapy or even there is a device called as urolift where there is a separate device to insert which will hold the lateral lobes apart so that the urethral lumen is kept wide open and help in evacuation or emptying of the urine with much ease, reducing the obstructive symptoms.

Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy Surgery - Robotic Prostate Surgery in Hyderabad

Robotic Prostate Surgery

In the Robotic Laparoscopic Prostatectomy, surgeon will make small incisions in your abdomen to insert the laparoscope, robotic assisted laparoscopic and surgical instruments to perform prostate removal surgery. Our team of surgeons and skilled technicians are trained to use robotic assisted laparoscopic instruments to perform surgery.

What are your treatment options for an enlarged prostate?

We routinely do transurethral resection of prostate either with monopolar or bipolar, transurethral resection in saline (TURis) and transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). Methods like urolift, transurethral vaporization of prostate and transurethral microwave ablation are still not available in all centres only a few centers may be having such facilities and also they are not the time tested treatment modalities for enlarged prostate.

How long does prostate laser surgery take?

Transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) - prostate laser surgery will take nearly 40 min to 50 min to complete. Post-surgery for a couple of hours, the patient will be moved to surgical care unit and then will be shifted to the room. Patient will be discharged with 2 to 3 days post-surgery.

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Enlarged Prostate or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - Everything you need to know

Prostate gland enlargement treatment - Frequently Asked Questions

Is prostate enlargement dangerous?

Prostate enlargement is a physiological change, and it can turn out to be dangerous, if at all it has chronic back pressure changes on the kidneys. So if at all it is left unnoticed and the obstructive symptoms are since long term, the kidneys will have back pressure changes and ultimately end up into renal failure and later dialysis may be an option for them once the kidneys go into irreversible changes, so this is definitely if ignored, can lead to a dangerous situation.

Why does enlarged prostate cause frequent urination?

So here again in enlarged prostate, it causes frequent urination. It's not mainly because the urine is excessively produced, it's mainly because of overflow incontinence. Many times patient will not be able to completely evacuate or empty their bladder, in this case a person will be passing urine only intermittently and inadequately that's why a part of urine will always remain stagnant in the bladder and that will continuously irritate the bladder to go for frequent urination. Apart from that, once a person has that median lobe enlargement which is between the two lateral lobes that will relatively open the bladder neck which is a smooth muscle sphincter that will again lead to frequent urination.

Does enlarged prostate cause kidney failure?

In a long term prostate gland enlargement with a lot of obstructive symptoms will lead to back pressure changes in the kidney and if not attended early stage may get into irreversible changes of the kidney and become a chronic kidney disease and end up into a kidney replacement therapy in the form of either dialysis or maybe a kidney transplant in the late situation.

What is the best treatment for enlarged prostrate?

There is no such best treatment for enlarged prostate. The age-old transurethral resection of prostate with monopolar cautery still is a time twisted and the treatment of choice. But the complication rates with the newer methods like bipolar transurethral resection of prostate, or the transurethral resection in saline (TURis), in one way much better than the monopolar transurethral resection of prostate because it will avoid so many postoperative complications, like hyponatremia or TURP syndrome.

The laser and robotics modalities of treatment are one way better when we consider the blood loss, consumption of time if the method is mastered, so laser will take relatively lesser time to inoculate the lobes and then morcellate and extracting glands. Bleeding will be much lesser if the procedure is mastered or done meticulously. Otherwise, these conventional methods of transurethral resection of prostate - monopolar or bipolar are still the best treatment options.

What is the cost of enlarged prostate surgery in India?

The average cost of enlarged prostate surgery in India is approximately Rs. 1,17,500 (one lakh seventeen thousand five hundred only). However, cost of enlarged prostate operation in India vary depending upon type of surgery at different hospitals in different cities.

What is the cost of prostate enlargement surgery in Hyderabad?

The average cost of prostate enlargement surgery in Hyderabad vary from Rs. 1,15,000 to Rs. 1,60,000 (one lakh fifteen thousand to one lakh sixty thousand). However, prostate enlargement treatment cost depends upon the multiple factors such as room selection, type of surgery and insurance for cashless facility.

What is the cost of enlarged prostate surgery in Pace Hospitals?

At Pace Hospitals, we offer world-class prostate enlargement treatment to the patients. Enlarged prostate surgery cost ranges vary from Rs 1,00,000 to 1,35,000 (one lakh to one lakh thirty-five thousand) and it depends upon the selection of room for hospital stay, type of surgery, any services availed during treatment apart from the surgery package and approvals in case of cashless treatment such as health insurance, central government health scheme (CGHS), employees and journalists health scheme (EHS), employees' state insurance (ESI) etc.

How can I reduce enlarged prostate without surgery?

It's based on the symptoms, either irritative or the obstructive symptoms, we can categorize patients as surgical candidates or to continue with the medical management. Those who predominate with irritative and mild obstructive symptoms, they are the better candidates to be on medical line of management, whereas those who are predominantly with features of obstructive symptoms, they are the best candidates for surgical treatment because the satisfaction post-surgery is better with those who have more of obstructive features and for that reason we even classify patients based on the IPSS score that is mild, moderate and severe category, so moderate to severe persons are those who are the candidates who respond better to surgical kind of treatment and amongst medical treatment we have mainly two groups of medications. One is the alpha receptor blockers and the second is the anti-androgen or 5-Alpha reductase inhibitors.

In alpha blockers we have tamsulosin, silodosin and alfuzosin so based on the patient’s age and the severity of the symptoms, we can go and choose the medication or prioritize the medications. The amongst the 5-Alpha reductase inhibitors we have mainly finasteride and dutasteride, so we commonly use dutasteride which is a 5-Alpha reductase is isotype one and two blockers and they will reduce mainly the glandular part of the prostate and reduce the size and the action of these medications will take a few months to occur, whereas alpha blockers will act at the earliest. Because they relax the smooth muscle receptors, so the response will be much quicker with alpha receptors and mainly they are alpha receptors are rich in the stromal part of the gland.

What is the cost of prostate laser surgery in India?

The average cost of prostate laser surgery in India is approximately Rs. 1,45,500 (one lakh forty five thousand five hundred only). However, cost may vary depending upon the different hospitals in different cities.

What is the cost of laser surgery for enlarged prostate in Hyderabad?

The average cost of laser surgery for enlarged prostate or holep procedure in Hyderabad may vary from Rs. 1,40,000 to Rs. 1,90,000 (one lakh forty thousand to one lakh ninety thousand). However, laser surgery for enlarged prostate cost depends upon the multiple factors such as room selection and insurance for cashless facility.

What is the price of laser prostate surgery for bph in Pace Hospitals?

At Pace Hospitals, we offer world-class treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (bph) to the patients. The price of laser prostate surgery or holep surgery for bph ranges vary from Rs. 1,60,000 to Rs. 1,85,000 (one lakh sixty thousand to one lakh eighty five thousand) and it depends upon the room selection for hospital stay, services availed during treatment apart from the surgery package and approvals in case of cashless treatment such as central government health scheme (CGHS), health insurance, employees and journalists health scheme (EHS), employees' state insurance (ESI) etc.

What food to avoid for prostate enlargement?

There is no direct relation of food to prostate gland enlargement, and simultaneously there is no literature to support any food relation with the prostate enlargement. But low physical activity, central obesity and sedentary lifestyle are likely to increase the risk and the prostate enlargement symptoms.

What foods are good for enlarged prostate?

There is nothing like good food or bad food for prostate enlargement. So the only thing what we advise is to avoid carbonated beverages and more fluid intake in the late hours of the day so that they are not disturbed by frequent urination or the lower unit tract symptoms at night. These things are to be kept in mind, as such food has nothing to do with the prostate enlargement.

What are the differences between prostate laser surgery and TURP?

Definitely there are advantages with prostate laser surgery - transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) over the regular transurethral resection of prostate either with monopolar or bipolar sources such as early recovery, quicker surgery time and lesser blood loss in laser prostate inoculation.

What is the cost of TURP surgery in India?

The average cost of TURP surgery in India is approximately Rs.1,05,000 (one lakh five thousand only).

TURP operation cost in Pace Hospitals, Hyderabad may vary from Rs. 95,000 to Rs. 1,15,000 (ninety-five thousand to one lakh fifteen thousand) and it depends upon the many factors such as sharing, single or deluxe room selection and cashless facility like TPA, CGHS, EHS etc.

How safe is holep prostate surgery?

Holep prostate inoculation is now the trend in most of the centers. Once the technique is mastered, definitely, this is a safe surgery. The only precaution to be taken while performing this surgery as such many times is the morcellating the prostate lobes which are placed into the bladder, it may injure the bladder wall if not properly or if not partially distended.

What is the cost of robotic prostatectomy in India?

Robotic prostatectomy surgery is performed at very limited centres in India. The average cost of robotic prostatectomy in India is approximately Rs. 3,25,000 (three lakh twenty-five hundred only).

The average cost of robotic prostatectomy in Pace Hospitals, Hyderabad may vary from Rs. 3,00,000 to Rs. 3,50,000 (three lakh to three lakh fifty thousand). However, robotic prostatectomy surgery price depends upon the multiple factors such as room selection and insurance for cashless facility.

Why does your prostate enlarge?

The exact cause of prostate enlargement is unknown (idiopathic); however, it is believed to be linked to some of the factors, including. Imbalance in the hormonal milieu is mainly the testosterone conversion to dihydrotestosterone, and the second thing is the oestrogen component. Changes in the hormonal milieu as the men age will lead to prostate enlargement, which usually happens after the age of 45 to 50 years.

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