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Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery

Best Dimple Creation Surgery in Hyderabad, India | Cost & Procedure

PACE Hospitals is recognized as the best dimple creation surgery hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana, India, offering personalized quick, safe cosmetic procedures & treatment plans to ensure the perfect dimple placement that complements your facial structure.

Dimpleplasty is a cosmetic procedure that creates artificial dimples on the cheeks or chin by making a small incision inside the mouth. A tiny portion of the tissue is removed, and the skin is sutured to form a natural indentation. Dimples are often associated with charm, youthfulness, and attractiveness. If you desire natural-looking dimples on your cheeks or chin, PACE Hospitals offers advanced dimple creation surgery (dimpleplasty) in Hyderabad, India. Our expert cosmetic and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in minimally invasive procedures, ensuring precise results with minimal downtime.

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    Why Choose PACE Hospitals for Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery?

    Best Dimple Creation Surgery Hospital in Hyderabad | Best Hospital for Dimple Creation Surgery​ in Hyderabad India | Dimple Creation Surgery cost in India | Dimple Creation Surgery Dimpleplasty near me
    Best Dimple Creation Surgery in Hyderabad, India

    State-of-the-Art Operation Theaters & Laser Facilities

    Dimpleplasty Surgery in Hyderabad with Best Cosmetic & Maxillofacial Surgeons

    Best Cosmetic & Maxillofacial Surgeons in Hyderabad, India

    Advanced & Safe Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery in Hyderabad India

    Precision, Safe & Painless Dimpleplasty with 99.9% Success Rate

    Affordable Dimple Creation Surgery in Hyderabad, India

    Affordable & Cost-effective Cosmetic Procedure Options

    What is Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery?

    Dimple creation surgery

    Dimple Creation Surgery is also called "Dimpleplasty", a cosmetic procedure that surgically creates artificial dimples on the cheeks or chin, often performed by skilled cosmetic, oral, and maxillofacial surgeons.

    A tiny piece of tissue is removed, allowing the skin to be sutured to create a dimple, enhancing facial aesthetics. This technique is designed to mimic natural dimples often associated with facial attractiveness and smile, and it is performed particularly in individuals who desire permanent cheek dimples or a defined chin dimple.

    What is Dimple Creation Surgery | Dimpleplasty in Hyderabad | Dimple Surgery in Telangana, India

    Dimpleplasty surgery classification

    Cheek dimples can be created through different surgical procedures and classified into three types.

    The three classifications of dimpleplasty are:

    • Type 1: Non-excisional (no tissue removal).
    • Type 1A: Suture goes through the outer skin layer.
    • Type 1B: Suture goes through the deeper skin layer.
    • Type 2: Excisional (removal of part of the buccinator muscle).
    • Type 3: Incisional (incision in the muscle, stitched to the skin).

    Type 1: These procedures are non-excisional, meaning no tissue is removed. This approach preserves the buccinator muscle, which is essential for facial expressions, and ensures it is not cut.

    In Type 1A, the surgeon makes a suture to attach the muscle to the skin, which passes through the epidermis (outer layer) of the skin.

    In Type 1B, the suture doesn't go through the skin; instead, it passes through the deeper skin layer (dermis) and returns back to the inner cheek tissue (mucosa).

    Type 2: These procedures involve removing part of the buccinator muscle, with or without cutting the inner cheek lining (mucosa). These are called excisional dimpleplasties.

    Type 3: These methods involve making an incision in the muscle and stitching it to the dermis.

    The surgeon decides the type of dimpleplasty based on the patient's facial anatomy and desired depth. Type 1 is preferred for minimal tissue disruption, while Types 2 and 3 are chosen for more prominent dimples or when muscle modification is needed.

    Benefits of Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery

    Dimpleplasty is a simple procedure performed by surgeons to achieve the appearance of natural dimples, imparting bold and attractive facial aesthetics. The following are the other benefits of dimpleplasty:


    • Attractive smile
    • Minimal Recovery Time
    • Permanent Results
    • Boost in Confidence

    Indications of Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery

    The main indication of dimple creation surgery is to enhance facial appearance, particularly for individuals who desire dimples for aesthetic or cultural reasons. It may be suitable for individuals who:

    • Want to add charm to their smile
    • Have natural, shallow dimples that they wish to accentuate.
    • Desire symmetry or balance in their facial features.
    • Are healthy, have no major facial health concerns, and have realistic expectations about the results.

    Contraindications of Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery

    Though dimpleplasty is a minimally invasive surgery, there are some contraindications and situations where the procedure may not be suitable, including:

    • Unrealistic Expectations: If a patient expects an exaggerated or unnatural result, dimpleplasty may not be the right procedure.
    • Severe Skin Conditions: Conditions like active acne, eczema, or infections on the face may interfere with healing and affect outcomes.
    • Lack of Skin Elasticity: Having loose or sagging skin may not help achieve optimal results.

    Pre-dimpleplasty considerations: Considerations of the surgeon before planning dimpleplasty

    Before proceeding with a dimple creation surgery, the surgeon considers the following to choose whether the patient is ideal for this surgery. The following are the certain parameters which surgeons can consider before planning dimpleplasty:

    • Facial Anatomy: The surgeon evaluates the architecture and symmetry of the patient's face to create dimples that seem natural.


    • Photography: After examining the facial symmetry, a surgeon takes standardised photographs of the sites (cheeks or chin) from different angles to plan the surgery and document the patient's features.

    • Patient Expectations: This is an essential aspect from a surgeon's point of view, as understanding the patient's desires while ensuring realistic expectations is the key to the operation's success. 

    • History of Health: The surgeon considers the patient's overall health condition to avoid interference in healing. 

    • Psychological evaluation: To establish realistic goals and expectations, a surgeon thoroughly discusses the patient's aesthetic goals to ensure that their expectations align with the expected surgery (what can be achieved through surgery). After discussing with patients, surgeons may evaluate whether the patient's desire for surgery is driven by realistic, well-considered goals or by external pressures.
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    Dimpleplasty procedure

    Before Dimple Creation Surgery (Preoperative Preparation)

    Dimple plastic surgery (dimpleplasty surgery) preparation mainly consists of some important steps in order to get the best results with the least complications.

    • Consultation: The patient should attend a detailed consultation with the plastic surgeon to discuss aesthetic goals, review their medical history, and discuss possible risks. 

    • Preoperative instructions: A surgeon would advise against taking blood thinners days before surgery.


    • Preoperative assessments: The healthcare team conducts a thorough examination, including blood tests and an evaluation of any underlying conditions, to estimate risks that may affect surgery.

    During the Procedure

    Dimple creation surgery is a very safe, quick procedure and can be performed as an outpatient procedure in less time (30 mins -1 hour) with minimal discomfort. The steps involved are:


    • Selection of site: Before the operation, the patients are asked to select the area of the desired dimples in front of a mirror to avoid any hesitation that the patient might have.

    • Marking: Surgeons mark the desired site of the patient (surgical site) before making an incision.

    • Position: After selecting the site and the number of dimples, the patient is instructed to lie on their back.

    • Anaesthesia: The operation is performed with the patient under local anaesthesia to numb the area where the incision will be made.

    • Local anaesthesia is injected from the buccal mucosa to the skin.

    • Incision: A needle was inserted at a marked spot inside the cheek to make a small vertical incision just below the duct opening to avoid damaging the saliva duct (Stensen's duct). Then, a shape like an L or T was added to the cut, and the skin inside the cheek was gently lifted to continue the procedure. No visible external cuts are made, which helps reduce scarring.

    • Creation of the Dimple: A small section of the underlying muscle or tissue is removed or manipulated to create a depression in the skin that will form the dimple.

    • Closure: Finally, the opening in the cheek lining was closed with a special dissolvable stitch.

    After Dimple Creation Surgery (Post-Procedure Recovery)

    Post- blepharoplasty recovery involves careful management of certain things, and the patient should follow specific instructions to ensure optimal outcomes. Recovery from dimpleplasty is relatively quick, including:

    • Medications: After surgery, the patient is advised to take medicines prescribed by the healthcare team, including antibiotics and analgesics, and maintain meticulous oral hygiene with mouthwash.


    • First few days: Mild swelling, discomfort, and slight bruising around the incision site inside the mouth are common. These symptoms typically resolve within a few days.

    • Oral Care: Since the incision is inside the mouth, patients should follow oral hygiene instructions, including gentle rinsing with saltwater.

    • Final Results: The dimples will become more defined over time, and the final appearance should be visible within 3 to 6 weeks.

    • Activity Restrictions: Strenuous activities, including lifting heavy weights, moving furniture and running upstairs, are recommended to avoid for a few weeks to prevent complications.

    Dimpleplasty Side Effects

    As with any surgery, there are potential risks and side effects associated with dimpleplasty:

    • Swelling and Bruising: Common in the initial days after surgery.

    • Infection: Though rare, infection can occur, particularly if oral hygiene is not maintained.

    • Asymmetry: There is a risk of uneven dimples if the procedure is not done symmetrically.

    • Scarring: Internal scarring is usually minimal and hidden inside the mouth.

    • Over-correction or Under-correction: In rare cases, the dimples may be too deep or not profound enough, requiring revision.

    • Buccal nerve damage: Depending on its anatomical location, damage may also affect the buccal nerve, a branch of the facial nerve. Injury to this nerve can result in paralysis of the buccinators, leading to abnormal nose and upper lip movement when smiling.

    Dimpleplasty Recovery Time

    Initial recovery can begin when most swelling and bruising subsides, typically within 3 to 7 days. The final shape of the dimples usually becomes visible after about 4 to 6 weeks, although some swelling may take up to 6 months to fully resolve. Persons who underwent dimple creation surgery can generally return to their regular activities within a few days, but heavy exercise and activities that involve the mouth, such as chewing hard foods, should be avoided for 2 to 3 weeks.

    Dimple Surgery Cost in Hyderabad, India

    Dimple Creation Surgery Cost in Hyderabad, India varies from ₹20,000 to ₹45,000 (US$230 to US$520). The final dimpleplasty procedure cost depends on various factors, including the surgeon’s expertise, required diagnostic procedures, hospital facilities, surgeon expertise, hospital stay, medications, post-surgical care and whether dimples are created on one or both cheeks or the chin.

    Dimple Creation Surgery, also known as Dimpleplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to create natural-looking dimples on the cheeks or chin. PACE Hospitals, a leading cosmetic surgery hospital in Hyderabad, India, offers affordable and safe dimple creation (dimpleplasty) surgery performed by expert cosmetic and maxillofacial surgeons using advanced techniques for natural-looking results with minimal downtime.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Dimple Creation (Dimpleplasty) Surgery

    • Is dimple surgery risky?

      Dimple surgery is usually a highly safe procedure. However, like any other surgical procedure, it also carries certain risks, including infection, scarring, bleeding, etc. The risk of bleeding during or after dimple plastic surgery is quite low. Infections are uncommon, and the risk is significantly reduced with good oral hygiene and antibiotics. The likelihood of injuring the buccal branch of the facial nerve is also extremely low. However, it is essential to recognise and manage complications early to prevent undesirable aesthetic outcomes.

    • Is dimple creation surgery permanent?

      Yes, dimple creation surgery, also known as dimpleplasty, is usually permanent. The procedure usually results in a permanent dimple. However, in rare cases, the dimple may be shallow or disappear if the suture breaks or doesn't hold early in the healing process. Significant weight gain or a change in face shape in the future could alter the results.

    • How soon will I see results after dimpleplasty?

      The results may vary from person to person, and the outcome may be different. Studies suggest that the scar at the puncture site on the skin fades somewhat by 8 to 12 weeks post-surgery, and natural-looking dimples develop by 20 to 24 weeks.

    How long does dimpleplasty surgery take?

    Dimple creation surgery is a very safe, quick procedure that can be performed as an outpatient procedure in less time. It typically takes 30 minutes to an hour with minimal discomfort. However, depending on the complexity and number of dimples being created, the time may vary; patients remain awake but feel no pain.

    Is dimpleplasty painful?

    Dimple creation surgery is minimally invasive and painless during the procedure, as it is performed under local anaesthesia. However, patients may experience some pain and discomfort after the surgery as the area heals, but this should not last longer than a few weeks.

    Can I eat after dimple creation (dimpleplasty) surgery?

    After the procedure, a person can eat soft foods, but hard or chewy foods should be avoided for a few weeks to prevent stress on the healing tissue.

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