Diabetic neuropathy is a progressive disease and a serious complication of diabetes that occurs due to nerve damage. Uncontrolled high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) mainly affects the nervous system. Depending on nerves damage in the body symptoms may vary.
Nervous system are very essential in the human body that send messages or signal to organs and body parts to perform normal function such as breathing, walking, bodily functions, sense of touch and feel etc.
According to the International Diabetes Federation 2017 estimates, 425 million people are living with diabetes mellitus (DM) in the world. By 2045, the number is predicted to rise to 629 million people. India, in 2017, had 72,946,400 patients, the second-largest number of people living with diabetes. The current prevalence in India is 8.8%
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the most common complication among diabetes mellitus patients, with a prevalence ranging from 18.8 to 61.9% in India. Early diagnosis of DPN can reduce associated complications.
DSPN (Distal symmetric polyneuropathy) constitutes the most common type seen in 50% of patients with Diabetic Neuropathy, CTS (Carpal tunnel syndrome seen) in 25%, Autonomic neuropathy in 7% and other types seen in 3% of patients that include Polyradiculopathies (Diabetic amyotrophy, Thoracic polyradiculopathy), Mononeuropathies (Cranial mononeuropathy, Peripheral mononeuropathy), Small fiber neuropathy, Treatment induced insulin neuritis, Diabetic cachexic neuropathy.
The symptoms commonly seen in diabetic neuropathy are numbness or pain in legs or feet, tingling, burning pains and cramps, distal weakness of limbs, problems related to blood vessels, urinary tract, digestive system and heart. Symptoms like lightheadedness, excessive sweating, urinary incontinence, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and sensation of fullness are observed in autonomic neuropathy.
Symptoms may vary based on the nerve damage in your body, you may not notice the symptoms till the considerable damage. There are mainly four types of Diabetic neuropathy:
It is the most common type of diabetic neuropathy. Nerve damage usually affects the toes and feet first. Some people do not feel any symptoms, but other people can have symptoms which include:
Diabetic neuropathy usually affects both sides of the body. Symptoms are often noticed in the toes. If the disease progresses, symptoms may gradually move up the legs; if the mid-calves are affected, symptoms may develop in the hands. This is called glove and stocking pattern of symptoms. Over time, the ability to sense pain may be lost, which greatly increases the risk of injury.
The autonomic nervous system controls the eyes, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, and sex organs. Diabetes can affect nerves in any of these areas, possibly causing:
It is also called Diabetic amyotrophy, often affecting nerves in thighs, hips or buttocks or legs. It can also affect chest and abdominal area. Generally symptoms are on one side, but it may spread to the other side as well. Symptoms include:
It is of two types’ - cranial nerve mononeuropathy and peripheral nerve mononeuropathy.
Cranial mononeuropathy: affecting cranial nerves leading to symptoms like double vision due to 3rd or 6th nerve involvement or paralysis on one side of the face (bell’s palsy) due to 7th cranial nerve involvement.
Peripheral mononeuropathy: In this nerve involvement leads to entrapment neuropathy like carpal tunnel syndrome leading to symptoms like numbness or tingling in hand or fingers involving thumb, index and middle fingers and weakness in the hands causing things to drop.
Other types include:
As per the recent study it was noticed that in patients with uncontrolled blood sugar levels nerves get weekend and damaged due to this nerves are unable to send signals that can cause diabetic neuropathy. Apart from hyperglycemia, these factors can also damage nerves:
In people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, the biggest risk factor for developing diabetic neuropathy is having high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) over time.
Other risk factors include:
Foot ulcers and amputation: There is loss of ability to sense pain or hot and cold, which increases the risk of injury to the feet. A small injury has the potential to develop into a large ulcer. In severe cases, infection spreads to bone or lead to tissue damage and can lead to dreadful complication of amputation of toe or foot or even the entire leg.
Other complications like
Diabetic neuropathy is diagnosed based on medical history and physical examination of the feet. Examination findings like loss of the ability to sense vibration and movement in the toes or feet, loss of the ability to sense pain, light touch, and temperature in toes or feet, loss or reduction of reflexes are observed.
Other tests include:
Diabetic neuropathy is the most common complication associated with diabetes. Early identification of symptoms and early evaluation helps in the prevention of disabling complications like distal weakness, foot deformities and weakness.
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