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Know the Morning Walk Benefits, Importance & Advantages

Pace Hospitals

Walking in the morning on a regular basis will result in multiple health benefits.

Walking is nothing but aerobic activity of large skeletal muscles, which is rhythmic and dynamic and has multiple benefits and minimal adverse effects. It is a natural, convenient activity requiring no skills or equipment.

Body posture and carriage may be improved by regular walking. It helps mainly in weight control, the insulin/glucose mechanism, and high-density lipoprotein metabolism. 

Importance of morning walk

Walking, a healthful physical activity, began in the 1990's. Centers for Disease Control/American College of Sports Medicine's recommendation of brisk walking at 3 to 4 mph as the primary example of moderate-intensity activity in 1995.

Walking is a gentle start-up for sedentary people, including inactive, immobile older adults, bringing independence and social well-being. 

Walking is a simple health behavior that can reduce the occurrence of different chronic diseases and improve the rising healthcare costs. 

Benefits of morning walk

Walking in the morning regularly will result in multiple health benefits. Morning walks can be beneficial to both body and mind. One could make some lifestyle adjustments to live a healthy and prosperous life; among these changes, integrating a morning walk into a daily routine is highly beneficial. It is the ideal answer for people of all ages, with no adverse side effects. 

Advantages of morning walks

Advantages of morning walks include:

  • Accelerates weight loss
  • Improves energy levels
  • Prevents chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and neurological conditions)
  • Uplifts Mood and Memory
  • Promotes deep sleep
  • Strengthens Muscles, Bones, and Joints
  • Enhances heart wellness
  • Augments metabolism
  • Enhances mental clarity and make better choices
  • Spine support

Accelerates weight loss:

  • Sedentary lifestyles are currently on the rise, leading to an increase in obesity and overweight persons. Furthermore, dietary limitations are challenging nowadays. 
  • Taking a fast-paced walk as the first action in the morning every day, regardless of what foods are ingested as part of the regular diet, benefits weight loss, particularly the dangerous visceral abdominal fat. 
  • During morning hours, the body's mechanism will be high, and calories are burnt at a higher rate, which helps in weight management and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI), which helps in obesity and overweight diseases. 
  • Hence, walking helps reduce weight, which makes the person fit, reducing health issues. 

Improves energy levels:

  • A lack of physical activity makes a person tired, with significant degrees of weariness and lethargy. 
  • A brisk morning walk stimulates metabolism, which is the breakdown of meal components to provide energy for performing regular duties at home and work. 
  • Moving the entire body for 20 to 30 minutes every morning walk offers enough power to complete all strenuous responsibilities for the rest of the day. 
  • Some studies show that at least 20 minutes of walking daily, five days a week, have fewer sick days of 43%. People will be able to see mild symptoms if they get sick. 
  • Daily activities will become more accessible to perform as they get more energy and flexibility by morning walk.
  • Concentration and productivity increase as the body gets boosted/more energy by a morning walk. 

Prevents chronic diseases:

Exercise is essential for avoiding ailments later in life. A sedentary lifestyle has been related to several cases of diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, and even neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's and Dementia. A morning walk can relieve joint stiffness, manage blood sugar and blood pressure, enhance blood flow to brain nerve cells, and strengthen bones and muscles. 

  • Obesity: Regular physical activity like morning walks helps reduce chronic health issues like cardiovascular disease and other metabolic diseases. Along with the low-calorie intake, morning walks help obese/ overweight people reduce their weight. 
  • Diabetes: Diabetes is the most common disease nowadays. A 30-minute morning walk helps maintain reasonable control of blood sugar level and insulin management in type 2 diabetes, according to one research. Walking allows the muscles to use more glucose in the body and helps burn extra body fat, and body mass index (BMI) is also improved.
  • Hypertension: Studies have shown that walking half an hour daily benefits the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure. The walk can strengthen the heart, so blood pressure is controlled. Triglyceride levels are also reduced and help in the prevention of hypertension. 
  • Arthritis: Arthritis pain and stiffness can be relieved by walking five days or more weekly. Recent studies have suggested this.
  • Dementia and stroke: Because of the aging in the population, the prevalence of Dementia and stroke is increasing day by day. Aging is associated with risk factors for cerebrovascular disease like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, dysglycemia (abnormality in blood glucose levels), and reduced physical activity. Regular morning walks can make a less severe reduction in cerebral blood flow, which is associated with aging, and help reduce the occurrence of stroke or Dementia. 
  • Ataxia: Muscle activity and gait function coordination are affected during voluntary movement in people with ataxia disorder. Hence, the functioning of the nervous system (Cerebellum, Brain stem), which helps in movement, is decreased. Major causes of the ataxia are ischemic stroke/Hemorrhagic stroke. Morning walks, along with conventional physiotherapy, helped people with ataxia. The improvement in the ability of walking and balance of the patients is seen in such people. Hence, morning walk plays a significant role in improving the symptoms of ataxia people. 
  • Alzheimer’s: A study of 71 to 93 aged men showed that by walking more than a quarter mile each day, Dementia and Alzheimer’s lesser cases are seen. 
  • Atherosclerosis: In atherosclerosis, due to plaque formation or deposition of LDL cholesterol on the arterial walls, the inner walls of the arteries are blocked in the brain, kidney, heart, and legs, and blood flow is restricted, causing poor blood circulation. Hence, regular morning walks can overcome poor blood circulation and restrictions and help maintain good health of the circulatory system.

Uplifts Mood and Memory:

  • Taking an early morning walk daily lifts the mood as people get fresh air and a natural vibe. Levels of stress and anxiety are improved. It helps manage the day's challenges as people start the day positively.
  • A daily morning walk increases the synthesis and distribution of neurotransmitters, molecules that transfer signals from nerves to numerous organs in the body. This ensures that cognitive functioning is at its peak, with increased intelligence, memory, and reasonable thought.
  • Going for a stroll during the day also helps to alleviate the discomforting symptoms of sadness and anxiety, substantially enhancing mental well-being, general energy levels, and positive thinking.

Promotes deep sleep:

  • Insomnia is commonly reported by people of all ages nowadays, owing to stressful schedules at work and home, as well as personal issues and unhealthy, irregular eating habits.
  • A morning walk is the best way to treat all sleep-related illnesses, such as insomnia, snoring, and sleep apnea. Regular physical exercise affects the body throughout the day, adequate rest happens spontaneously at night, and continuous, undisturbed sleep is guaranteed. 

Strengthens Muscles, Bones, and Joints:

  • While necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous are essential for muscular strength and bone health, regular exercise helps maintain joint flexibility and supplies healthy bones and muscles. Leg and abdominal muscles get toned by going on a morning walk.
  • A 30-minute daily vigorous morning walk improves bone density, keeps joints lubricated, strengthens muscles, and lessens the risk of developing arthritis, osteoporosis, and other debilitating conditions in old age. Mainly, the osteoporosis process is slowed down, and Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are maintained by doing regular morning walks. 

Enhances heart wellness:

  • A morning walk, jogging, or even running significantly benefits heart health. Many recent studies revealed that the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by doing regular physical activity like walking.
  • Morning walk is associated with cardiovascular health benefits. The heart rate increases, and blood pressure decreases when we walk. Active activity promotes blood circulation to the heart, strengthens the cardiac muscles, and helps prevent hypertension, cardiac arrest (when your heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body), heart attack (when blood flow decreases or stops in one of the coronary arteries of the heart), atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats).
  • A vigorous walk for at least 30 minutes during the day improves heart functions, enhances lung capacity, and prevents breathing issues and respiratory infections. Morning walk therapy plays a significant role in maintaining blood pressure. It is better than using drugs as a treatment because many drugs have side effects, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

Augments metabolism:

  • A morning walk followed by a cardio workout can enhance body metabolism and make people feel active and energetic for the rest of the day. Drink a glass or two of water after going for a walk. Water stimulates metabolism, keeps the body hydrated, and removes toxins.

Enhances mental clarity and make better choices:

  • A morning walk helps people in many ways. Starting the day with a walk may activate brain cells and create an environment for making healthier daily choices.
  • Tension and anxiety-related issues will be reduced. Regular morning walks may help to foster mental clarity and attention throughout the day. Evidence showed that those who began their days with a morning walk had higher cognitive performance than those who were sedentary.
  • Furthermore, walking may allow for the free flow of thoughts, which may aid in problem-solving better than sedentary people. Adhering to a walk may make you feel energetic, and less sleep-deprived. Some studies have shown that creativity gets increased by morning walks. 

Spine support: 

  • Body posture will be improved, and it helps keep the spine in good posture as people need to sit for more hours at work/ college /school as our daily routine working style.

Walking before meals

Walking or any other sort of exercise before a meal reduces the amount of sugar and fat accumulating in the blood after eating. The body uses the food it consumes to replenish its energy, lowering the likelihood of food being turned into fat.

Walking before dinner boosts metabolism, resulting in a higher calorie burn after digestion. According to a study done in 2006 by Patrick Bennard, people who walked before eating food burned more fat than those people who walked after eating. 

Walking after meals

Exercise has been associated with numerous health advantages. It includes walking after eating, which has its own set of benefits.

  • Walking stimulates the digestive system, increasing food passage through the digestive tract. It could relieve bloating and pain. Different studies have been done on this; however, one German study suggested that walking after a meal only accelerated gastric emptying (how fast the food moves from the stomach to the small intestine) but does not affect the gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating, heartburn) 
  • A post-meal walk can help regulate sugar levels in the blood by enhancing muscle glucose uptake. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or diabetes. 
  • Walking is a cardiovascular exercise that can improve heart health by promoting circulation, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Thus, Regular walking, especially after meals, can contribute to weight management by burning calories and utilizing nutrients from the meal. 
  • Regular post-meal walks have been associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The activity helps in improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.
  • Walking is one type of physical activity that enhances the release of endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that help lower stress and anxiety. 
  • A moderate post-meal walk can improve sleep quality, mainly in Insomnia patients. It helps in regulating the circadian rhythms and promotes relaxation. 
  • Walking after meals can boost metabolism, helping the body process nutrients more efficiently and potentially aiding in weight management.
  • Walking is a low-impact workout that is easy on the joints. Post-meal walks can help with joint health and flexibility.
  • Physical activity has been associated with increase in the cognitive performance. Walking after meals may aid with concentration and mental clarity. 

How to start morning walk routine

Early morning walks are an excellent way to begin the day. It can make a person feel much better and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the tips to start a morning walk routine: 

  • Consuming light snacks before walking: To boost yourself before the walk, it’s a good idea to drink a light snack or breakfast before walking out the door. Toast with almond butter or yogurt with nuts and berries can provide the energy required, especially if a longer walk is planned.
  • Checking out different walking routes or events. One can choose to walk close to home to save time. When the schedule permits, explore other neighborhoods, nature preserves, or trails in nearby areas. 
  • Take a few minute's break after walking to stretch the leg muscles and work out any knots in the calves, hamstrings, or thighs.
  • Weights and intervals are used to increase the impact. Increase the benefits of walking by holding modest weights or wearing a weighted vest to develop stamina. Alternating between a fast and moderate pace may turn a walk into an interval training session.
  • Preparing for the weather. Wear appropriate morning walk shoes and spikes to avoid slipping on icy winter sidewalks. Protect the skin from frostbite by using hats, scarves, and gloves. Wearing a hat, sunscreen in the summer and carrying a water bottle to stay hydrated on longer walks. We can wear reflective clothes if the weather is dark to avoid accidents because it becomes easier for the drivers to see us.
  • Scheduling for morning walks. Add a morning walk to the everyday routine consistently, as it can evolve into an ingrained habit that one can't be quickly abandoned.
  • Walking with a friend or family. Choosing the best partner for walking, who will hold us accountable for our commitment to exercise.

The effects of morning walk on mental health

When a person goes on morning walks and gets other forms of exercise, the body releases hormones that make a person feel better mentally and emotionally. They include: 

  • Dopamine, which decreases stress and depression.
  • Serotonin helps to sleep and boosts a person's mood.
  • Testosterone in men improves strength and muscle mass.
  • Estrogen in women can reduce the symptoms of menopause. 

Morning walk tips

A morning walk is good for health. Morning walks can be a great way to start your day, providing numerous physical and mental health benefits. Here are some tips to make the most of the morning walk:

  • Maintaining a straight pace while walking. It will be beneficial, particularly for toning the abs.
  • The best walks are those taken first thing in the morning, when the body is most energized and blood circulation is at its highest. 
  • Walking helps in absorbing the vitamin D from the sun’s early beams. 
  • By doing regular walking, one can burn calories.
  • Avoid exercise after eating since it interferes with the passage of digestive juices, which limits the normal breakdown of food.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of water while taking speed walks, as doing so could affect the respiratory system. 
  • Maintaining proper hydration is essential before starting the walk or for five minutes after completing the walk. Carrying a bottle of water on lengthy walks is advisable to prevent dehydration but do not drink too much water while doing brisk walks as it causes respiratory problems.
  • For an individual just getting started with frequent walks as exercise, start at a comfortable pace and gradually pick it up as the days pass. By doing this, one can avoid overexerting the body right away.
  • Walking with a companion who will help to stick to the workout commitment. Look for walking groups to engage in more conversation and enjoy while walking.

Barriers to morning walk

People may face various challenges when trying to follow a morning walk. 

  • Physical barriers to regular exercise include low energy, lack of time, and low motivation/willpower in the movement. Efforts are less in the morning compared to later in the day. This is seen mainly in the morning type of people. It seems less Enjoyable, and some people who have sleep disturbances cannot adjust their sleep timings at night and need to wake up early for regular morning walks. 
  • In some individuals, logistic barriers like childcare responsibilities during morning times may also affect the morning walk. 
  • We need to overcome these barriers and reduce the health risks by doing regular morning walks, and it should be implemented as a daily part of the people's routine. 
  • Individuals may also intend to exercise regularly, but must create a specific exercise plan.   
  • Hence, planning effectively manages time for individuals who face problems with time and responsibilities. 
  • We should continue the commitment to walking. 
  • We can slowly increase the walking limit but continue the routine. Starting the next day's walk routine is entirely okay if people miss one day.

Frequently asked questions on morning walk

  • What are the benefits of a morning walk?

    Benefits of morning walks include. 

    • Weight reduction
    • Promoting sleep
    • Prevention of chronic diseases
    • Increase in energy levels
    • Uplifts mood and memory
    • Fortifies joints, bones, and muscles
    • Enhances heart wellness
    • Enhances metabolism
    • Enhances mental health
  • How much walking is good in the morning?

    Most studies have shown that walking 20-30 minutes has the best result. Getting up and going for a morning walk is good for mental health. Maintaining consistency in the morning walk is also very important.

  • Does walking increase stamina?

    Yes, Brisk walking can help build stamina, burn excess calories, and make you healthier. Walking is simple, accessible, and the easiest way to get more energy, lose weight, and become healthy.

  • What to do after walking?

    After walking, gently stretch the leg muscles, mainly calves and front and back thighs. Stretches should be held for nearly 20 seconds. If there is any pain, gradually stop the stretch. 

Can we sleep after a morning walk?

Yes, we can sleep for 20 minutes after a morning walk, and it is entirely normal as it relaxes the muscles and boosts energy. But we should avoid sleeping for more than 20 minutes after a morning walk because it leads to deep sleep, and we wake up with sleep inertia.

Why morning walk is important for diabetes?

Widely doctors suggest to every person who is suffering with diabetes to start doing daily morning walk because this is proven and effective activity to regulate blood sugar levels, help in controlling the glucose levels in the body, burning calories and maintain healthy body weight.

It is advised for diabetes patients to wear cotton socks with comfortable footwear when starting the morning walk. Begin with 5 to 10 minutes from the first day and then gradually increase up to 45 minutes to 60 minutes (1 hour). During the 60 minutes’ walk, perfect way of walking is to break it into 10 to 15 minutes session. Count your steps, up to 10,000 steps is called as a healthy walking.

Simultaneously, it is advised for diabetes patients to carry glucose supplements during walk to avoid dropping of blood sugar levels because it may cause dizziness, fatigue and risk of falling during walk.

How many steps during morning walk by age?

According to a meta-analysis of 15 studies, walking 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day will be most beneficial for adults aged 59 and under, whereas taking 6,000 to 8,000 will be most helpful for adults aged 60 and older.

Does morning walk good for weight loss?

Yes, a morning walk is good for weight loss. During morning hours, walking helps reduce weight, which makes the person fit, reducing health issues. 

How to get motivated to walk in the morning?

Choosing the best walking partner will help you stick to the workout commitment. Look for walking groups to engage in more conversation and enjoy while walking.

What precautions must be taken for a morning walk in the dark?

People can wear reflective clothes if the weather is dark to avoid accidents because it becomes easier for the drivers to see them.

Does walking in the morning burn fat?

Walking in the morning can definitely contribute to fat burning. During morning hours, the body's mechanism will be high, and calories are burnt at a higher rate, which helps in weight management. Hence, walking helps reduce weight.

What are the barriers to the morning walk?

Low energy, lack of time, and low motivation / willpower in the movement are some barriers to morning walk.

What to eat before walking in the morning?

To boost yourself before the walk, it’s a good idea to drink a light snack or breakfast before walking out the door. Toast with almond butter or yogurt with nuts and berries can provide the energy required, especially if a longer walk is planned.

Why morning walk is important?

Morning walk has multiple benefits and minimal adverse effects. Body posture and carriage may be improved by regular walking. It helps mainly in weight control. Walking helps in the insulin/glucose mechanism and high-density lipoprotein metabolism. It can decrease the occurrence of chronic diseases and improve the rising healthcare costs.

How does a morning walk benefit diabetes?

Walking allows the muscles to use more glucose in the body and helps burn extra body fat, and body mass index (BMI) is also improved. A 30-minute morning walk helps maintain reasonable blood sugar level control and insulin management in type 2 diabetes.

What hormones are released by the body when a person goes on a morning walk?

When a person goes on morning walks and gets other forms of exercise, the body releases hormones that make a person feel better mentally and emotionally. They include: 

  • Dopamine, which decreases stress and depression.
  • Serotonin helps to sleep and boosts a person's mood.
  • Testosterone in men improves strength and muscle mass.
  • Estrogen in women can reduce the symptoms of menopause.

How does the morning walk affect mood and memory?

Taking an early morning walk daily lifts the mood as people get fresh air and a natural vibe. Levels of stress and anxiety are improved. It helps manage the day's challenges as people start the day positively. 

How does a morning walk helpful in hypertensive patients?

The heart rate increases, and blood pressure decreases when we walk. Active activity promotes blood circulation to the heart, strengthens the cardiac muscles, and helps prevent hypertension.

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